Wheelchair Accessibility

Challenges of York’s Cobbled Streets

Treasure Hunt York’s route is designed to be step-free, but York’s historical charm comes with its challenges. The city features many cobbled streets, some of which are quite deep and uneven, posing difficulties for wheelchair users.

Examples of Cobbled Surfaces:

A narrow cobbled street in York, bordered by a brick wall on one side and historic buildings on the other, with a few people walking along the path.

A cobbled street in York with a mix of cobblestones and paving stones, bordered by historic buildings on one side and a brick wall on the other.

A narrow, cobbled alleyway in York, lined with various shops and historic buildings.

User Experiences

We continually seek feedback to improve our games. Here are some insights from our players:

“One team had a girl who used a wheelchair and so we discovered that your trail is not very wheelchair friendly. She had to be pulled backwards across the cobbles a few times so their group took longer.”

This review highlights the difficulties you may face. However, on a separate occasion, another player reported completing the trail successfully using a powered wheelchair.

Accessible Pubs

We have carefully selected pubs at the halfway point and the end of the treasure hunt with accessibility in mind. These pubs feature:

We hope this helps you decide if Treasure Hunt York is right for you. ⚓️

“We thought the clues were pitched at the correct level, not too easy and made you look very closely at your surroundings, without being impossible to solve.
We had a fun day exploring York with a few pit stops for refreshement between clues.”

—Grendel46, Tripadvisor


Telephone: 01904 500 868
Text us: 07380 309380

Gardens and Guildhalls starts from:
York Observatory, Museum Gardens, York, YO30 7BH

Play our second game in York: Walk the Walls